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Emailed response from the University when I asked about bed rails: “We do purchase guards for beds that are bunked, which is a low percentage of our rooms. You can get them during the check-in period, but feel free to ask as soon as your son receives his assignment.”
Rails are standard in all forms rooms.
Safety rails were installed on all beds at the university in 2002 still remain a part of the required bed furniture today.
If a bed is lofted or bunked, it has a rail on it at GA College!
Larry Christenson, Housing Director
My son's room for first year students at USNA had the bed rail built right in.
I mistakenly thought EVERY school would automatically install rails on lofted beds! FHSU does! Safety first!!
On move-in weekend, bed rail was installed almost immediately after my son requested it. Go Bulls!
Emailed school to ask - their response - "Each bed has rails that are included with it. It is a part of the furniture included, so students are responsible for keeping it in their rooms. There is only one per bed as the beds are pressed against the wall so only one side is free. The rails attach to that side of the bed. " Go Orediggers!!
BGSU has bedrails on all of their residence hall beds. I never felt unsafe because they were plenty high to keep me from rolling out of bed. The bedrails are permanent, there is no installation, they are there by default and can't be removed. Way to go BGSU! Talons Up!
-Harper Smith
My daughter had a lofted bed freshman year (2019) and there was a guard rail there already installed; probably thanks to your efforts. Thank you for all of your efforts and God bless!
UNC automatically provides rails for every dorm. In fact, even it you don't use the rail they still hold you accountable for its storage; I assume in order to hopefully encourage its use. Regardless, automatically providing every bed with a safety rail is incredible!
Mikayla Smith, senior
School provides bedrails for bunks and lofted beds!
USC has fixed rails installed on all lofted or bunked beds and requires that they remain in place. Additionally provides staircase dressers that provide added stability over ladders for easy access.
Beds over a certain height/lofted have to have rails.
(From the Housing website)
If you request a bunked or lofted bed, bed safety rails will be installed on both sides of the lofted bed or upper bunk. Residents do not have the option to refuse bed safety rails.
The housing website features photos of the beds (shown with safety rails) and gives detailed information how to configure the bed with the rail on the outside (not facing the wall). There is also a directive "Do not remove the safety guardrail."
UVA does it right and are about the safety of their students!
All beds in all dorms that are able to be lofted to the almost 6 foot height have a bedrail on the bedframe when students check in for the academic year.
Beds can only be lofted through BedLoft.com and include a mandatory bed rail.

My son decided he wanted a safety rail after waking up on the edge of the bed. We put in a request and they were installed in 2 hours. Two hours!
In the Bordeaux dorms there are safety rails provided. I'm not sure of the other dorms.
Submitted by Isabelle R.
We actually chose it because it was one of the cheaper dorms on campus. We were at the new student conference and I was happy to see safety rails in Hart Hall and know my daughter will be safe.
UMW provides rails if you want to loft your bed; comes automatically with loft kit without asking for them.
This is what is provided to each student. My son was given a speech about the importance of using bed rails at the Accepted Student Weekend event. Something he will never forget hearing.
The school provided bed rails for lofted and bunk beds no questions asked.
I am very impressed with WCU’s commitment to safety. Every single bed in every single dorm comes equipped with safety rails and a ladder. Because of the small room sizes, lofting almost is a necessity. I know my son feels way safer and is glad he doesn’t have to climb furniture to go to bed.
Molly Horton
All beds at Clemson that raise at all come with a bed rail as a standard part of the furniture package
Only one dorm has bunks and they come with rail attached at move in. Other dorms only allow lofting to 36 inches.
Although the school does provide fully loftable beds in several of its dorms, it will not make side rails available for kids who actually loft said beds nor will it tell parents the manufacturer of the bed so they can procure a rail direct from the manufacturer.
At move-in, I was surprised that ULL didn't have bedrails. When I called the Housing Office to see about getting one, they acted surprised, as if nobody had ever asked. When I asked where I could buy one, they were like " Oh, I don't know, maybe look on Amazon or something".
Because it is a military school there is a lot of military style training/conditions. However, the year my son went there (he has since transferred) THE SON OF THE CHAIR OF THE PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION fell and suffered a severe concussion that had him miss much of one semester. They had rails for the asking but, because these are military officer hopefuls, they do not want to ask for the assistance”.
I believe schools have to receive bad PR and/or lawsuits to AUTOMATICALLY PROVIDE RAILS.
My freshman daughter just moved into The Ledges at QU and her bed is lofted almost to the ceiling. There are no bed rails and her closet and desk are below. If she fell out of her bed, she would hit either or both pieces of furniture. I don’t know if the other dorms have lofted beds too.
Called Centre freshman year to ask them to provide a rail for my son’s upper bunk. They hemmed and hawed and said they did not have any; did not have enough; made various excuses by the time the conversation was over.
But a rail appeared within 24 hours. Almost precise thing happened, AGAIN, sophomore year. So I also contacted the President of the University last year to ask if I could distribute posters, etc. regarding the dangers of foregoing rail usage. He said he would relay the info to the safety department or whatever department was in charge of such things. No response from them ever.
This year, I put some up on the bulletin boards of my son’s building in the lobby level after moving him, anyway. I bet they have already been taken down. Ridiculous that schools try to ignore this problem. They don’t want to have to bother with the rails and don’t want to have to buy enough to have rails for all. They would rather chance an accident than keep the products on hand to prevent one….
High loft beds. No rails although they say they are available, plus humiliation factor if you are the only student or parent who asks for rails. I went to the head of the dorm (adult employee there for 15 years) and got into an argument with my son because he says the bed without the rail is fine. I asked this man, “How can you work here and condone putting these young adults in danger this way?” He said he would not sleep in a loft and that after a few days most students take the loft bed down. The roommate raised his bed to the top, close to 9 feet off the floor. It is shaking and not stable.
My son sustained a bruised arm and mild concussion after falling out of his bunk bed. There were no rails on the bed. After the incident, I found out they do offer the rails by request only. They could at least have a sticker posted on all the beds saying that if the bed is lofted rails should be requested. I was also told they can only receive them if they have enough. After the accident, he received a rail within an hour for his bed. -Tammy Gatlin
My daughter had a seizure and fell from her lofted bed at UC. She was injured in the fall and also received treatment for a concussion – as well as treatment for the seizure.
The university did respond fairly quickly to the request to lower her bed (after the fall).
However, when I asked the maintenance person who lowered the bed about rails – they not only did not have any, but they didn’t even know what I was talking about.
So I called the office of “Accessibility Resources” for assistance and I never received a response to my voicemails. I also sent several emails and have never received a response.
Columbia has no bed rails at all for students.
When my daughter was a freshman we had to fight to get a rail for her lofted bed. They said they had a limited amount and put her on a waiting list. After a month we finally received a rail. I suggested they purchase more so this wouldn't happen again. My daughter is a senior now and every year since there have been complaints from parents on the TCU parent Facebook group page about rails being unavailable, including this year. It is obvious they need a bigger supply. They either don't understand the risk this poses to the students, or they don't care. They sure didn't listen to my suggestion years ago since it continues to be an issue!
Bed rails are NOT available for students, even in triple rooms where two of three students are top bunk height.
No safety rails.
All bunk beds at BU have rails!
-Rosemary Garcia
Everyone thought I was crazy when I asked about a safety rail at this fabulous Christian college, and I mean that sincerely. This is an amazing school! I am a little disappointed that this school full of athletes does not value the safety of their individual athletes. 85% of the student body are there on athletic scholarships and one tumble off the top bunk onto the desk or floor below will certainly end that athletic career, not to mention so many other things.
No rail, no ladder and the school said they will not provide one because it’s never been a problem.
No rails. Administration ghosted, and seemed unconcerned with the danger. One Dean told me that that the college didn’t have any rails! Kids were told to “put in a work order”. Finally, after reaching supervisor who was responsible for getting the work order done, she “got it”, found a rail & ladder, and made sure bunks were lowered (top bunk was 7 feet in air without rail).
But this is only one bed. If kids or parent don’t know about the danger & push hard, they are still at risk.
We originally requested Junior Loft, not full loft. When we arrived to check in , the bed is 6-7 feet above the ground. I asked for bed rails and was told they do not have them. I also asked if the can do the junior loft now and they said will be closer to end of August, which is unacceptable. Also, there is no ladder to climb on the bed. My child is climbing on desk to get in bed until I get a ladder to her. Also, unacceptable. I do not understand how this is legally acceptable, especially with the data on accidents for falling from high beds.
I dropped my son off at St. Lawrence and they do not provide rails for his bunk - so I am now asking them to take the bunk down. I signed your petition and have shared your site with many friends - hoping they will, too.
Lofted beds are approximately 6 foot off of the ground without rails. The school does not offer rails for rent or purchase either.
I had zero rail on my bed, nor did a single dorm bed I saw on campus. We were required to climb to our bed using our own stool or the wood on the sides of the bed as ladders weren’t provided either. If we wanted to lower our bed we had to get rid of the dresser and desk they provided. No student was safe!
Seton Hall allows bunking and in fact offers supplies to loft. However, they state "A railing is not offered nor guaranteed."
Only way to fit beds in triples (most are forced triples) is to lift beds; beds are not sturdy (no crossbars) and students assemble themselves; crossbars are not provided. Students are also required to live on campus all four years unless they have special permission to move off campus senior year.
I read that all beds will be at the mid-height (lofted so that the dresser fits underneath) at move-in day so I emailed the housing director ahead of time to find out if they provide rails. They call safety rails "roll bars" and the school does NOT provide them. I was told "some students have purchased them and brought them with them."
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